Sunday 25 November 2012

Ramaniyam Katti-ma Flat Interiors

Our client from a previous project gave us the opportunity to design the interiors of their new four bed flat in a luxurious gated apartment complex in Chennai. The brief was to create a family home which accommodated the requirements of each individual whilst still creating a unified feel. The main living spaces which includes the Lounge, Dining Room and Kitchen were designed to be open and flow into each other to create a welcoming social interaction space for extended family and friends. The bedrooms however were to be a private haven for the family members, so had to be truly personal to each individual. The Master Bedroom has an attached open terrace which will be designed as a private landscaped space - a luxury in most city apartments. Site work commences in early 2013 and we are very much looking forward to getting started!

Sister's Bedroom - An artist's space designed to be conducive for both creating and showcasing Art

Sunday 23 September 2012

Where to Find Us

We are currently working from our base in Chennai. If you would like to arrange a meeting please contact us by email or just give us a call!

Phone (India): (0091)9840831619/(0091)9962992740

Saturday 22 September 2012

Branding of Evident Chain of Dental clinics

Evident approached us to design the facade and interiors of their growing chain of Dental clinics that provide affordable and quality dental service in Chennai. We worked to create a pioneering, serene and transparent image for the brand that will help to dispel the fear of dentists.We put together a set of design principles and branding guiedlines that can be translated easily into any location. Currently two branches have been opened with many more in the pipeline.


Monday 17 September 2012

Apartments at Kottur submitted for Approval

We are excited to announce that submission for approval has been made for an apartment block combining two existing sites at Kottur, Chennai. The brief was to design 4 identical apartments following the principles of Vasthu. As Vasthu science is intrinsically linked to directions, mirroring the apartments to acheive identicality was not possible. Our main emphasis as we developed the design was to ensure that the apartments receive plenty of natural light and ventilation which can be controlled by the users. Large covered terraces with perforated SS folding panels provide pleasant spaces to enjoy throughout the day. A roof garden will provide some precious green space within the urban environment as well as helping to insulate the top floor apartments from the blazing chennai sun.

Typical Floor Plan
Elevation from Road

Saturday 4 August 2012

White have been shortlisted in the BIC Design Competition!

We are excited to announce that White Design Allies have been shortlisted in the Global call for Design ideas contest conducted by the BIC. The Bangalore International Centre are planning to move into their new premises in Domlur; Architects were invited to submit ideas for an iconic building with state of the art facilities to provide a suitable home for this respected cultural organisation.

* Click to enlarge images

Statement of Design Intent
Our interpretation of the brief is to create an iconic home for the BIC that reflects its core values both functionally and aesthetically. The main driver was to create a building where the circulation does not just connect the various activities. Instead it becomes a spine that wraps around the building encouraging interaction and an exchange of knowledge. This method of circulation removes barriers that divide the spaces and enhances inter-connectivity and transparency. Sections across the building reveal double-height spaces, courtyards and atriums that connect the different activities both horizontally and vertically.

The building is zoned such that the public areas including the restaurant, library and auditorium are located towards the southern side to connect with the BDA park both visually and physically. The guest rooms are more private and hence are located away from the main public areas, facing the private landscape court on the northern side of the site. These two areas are connected by an intermediate zone containing the main vertical circulation shaft and also the formal main entrance.

Site & Sustainability
The site being linear along the east-west axis does not offer a suitable orientation for the building. However, our proposal aims to turn this weakness into an opportunity by providing screen walls along the east and west sides.

Green strategies and passive design principles are incorporated into the design of the building. Passive cooling techniques, photovoltaic façade and efficient water management are some of the significant green aspects of the building. Rainwater is harvested on site and run in channels along the base of the building. When forced air is passed over this channel it is passively cooled. By maintaining a void between the concrete wall and the floor, this cooled air can be circulated throughout the building.

The effects of the storm-water drain have been carefully considered and the building is cleverly screened on its west facing façade using a green ‘living’ wall. This has multiple benefits as it shields the building from the harsh western sun and minimises potential odours from the storm-water drain. This will improve the indoor air quality and provides an ecosystem for small insects and birds. A vermin-composting yard is identified along the western boundary where the organic waste generated in the building is collected and converted to manure.

A unique scheme is proposed wherein the members of the BIC organize weekly cleaning of the BDA Park. The dried leaves and vegetation collected becomes fuel for the biomass generator located in the basement and power can thus be generated for the building. Additional fuel can be purchased from industries that generate wood chips as a waste product. The energy generated from the PV façade, as well as the biomass generator will be used for the site and the excess can be supplied to the grid.

Material Palette
The external façade is made up of a combination of robust materials such as concrete, glass and timber interspersed with a softer plant medium in the form of the green living wall. The external concrete wall along with the internal block wall provides good thermal insulation to the interior spaces. Curtain wall glazing is provided with sufficient overhangs for diffused lighting. Good quality seasoned timber is used as a cladding element to enhance some feature areas. Glass pyramid PV cells on the southern wall help to generate energy and are aesthetically pleasing due to the unique shape.
We believe that our design has captured the unique identity and ethos of the BIC by creating a building that embodies its main aims of cross-disciplinary interaction and innovative development.

Monday 30 July 2012

Hiranandani Flat Interiors

White were recently asked to develop proposals for this 4 bedroom luxury apartment in Chennai. The brief was to create a contemporary Indian family home. The emphasis was on luxury and comfort for the main living spaces so we worked with a monochromatic colour scheme and added interest by using different textures and metallic accents. The Children's Bedroom and Study had a more fun, playful feel with the use of more vibrant colours and furniture. The client was involved in each stage of the design to ensure that the design catered to their taste and needs.

These 3D visualisations were produced during presentation stage to provide the client with a clear idea of how the final spaces might look.

* Click to enlarge images

This project is currently under construction, and we will upload more photos as the scheme begins to come together!

Principle Allies

Arthi Balasubramanian (Architect / Partner)
B.Arch (First Class), Post-Graduate Diploma

Arthi Balasubramanian is a talented designer who has experience working in a diverse range of Architectural and design projects.

She has been working with large international firms and has been in charge of delivering prestigious multi-million pound building projects in the UK. She is passionate about the design of learning environments. Seeing the impact first-hand of good school design on student behaviour and exam results prompted her to write an article on this which was published in the reputed national newspaper in India, The Hindu.

She has a keen interest in the relationship of Architecture and Branding and has collaborated with Advertising firms to illustrate how the Branding concept can be extended into the design of the stores.

Her time in Europe has deeply influenced her philosophy in terms of aesthetics as well the social and commercial impact of Design. This remains a constant source of inspiration in her work.

Arthi Balasubramanian completed her Bachelors degree in Architecture from the School of Architecture and Planning, Chennai. She then went on to complete her Post Graduate Diploma from the University of Sheffield.

Shraddha Raju (Architect / Partner)
B.Arch (First Class), Master of Built Environment

Shraddha Raju has designed and delivered an impressive portfolio of high-end hospitality and leisure projects.  She is a hands-on Architect and focusses equally on the design and detail of her projects to ensure their successful realisation.

She has worked both in India and Australia on projects ranging from small-scale residential villas to large scale SEZ projects. Her keen interest in passive design methodologies is reflected in her design language.

Working with people from different backgrounds in Australia led her to realise that global knowledge could tackle local problems by integrating vernacular solutions typical to the region. Her passion for green design led her to give a talk on the subject to students of architecture from colleges in Bangalore at an inter-collegiate seminar for green buildings. Her research on the comparison of energy consumed by a regular and a green building was presented at the ICLEI - International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives - seminar at Nagpur in 2008.

Shraddha completed her Bachelors in Architecture degree from the School of Architecture and Planning, Anna University in Chennai. And then went on to complete her Masters in Built Environment and Sustainable Development course in the University of New South Wales in Sydney.

Jon Wallis (Associate Partner / Architecture + Urban Design)
BA (Hons) Dip Arch (Commendation) ARB

Through his work to date Jon has gained over 8 years of experience across a wide range of projects working in both large and small scale, award winning, multi-disciplinary practices in the UK and the Netherlands.

His time in the Netherlands was spent developing his keen interest and knowledge in Urban Design. He spent 4 years working on large scale and strategic level projects in the heart of London. The social and economic impact of Architecture and Urban Design on the cities in which we live plays a key role in Jons approach to projects.

Upon returning to the UK Jon continued to develop his experience in Urban Design working on projects in Abu Dhabi, Pakistan, India and the UK. Alongside this he also continued to develop his experience in Architectural projects. Most recently he oversaw the design and construction of a new £15m Council HQ in the north-west of the UK.

Jon completed his Bachelors degree in Architecture at the School of Architecture and Planning, Sheffield University (UK), where he obtained First Class Honours and was nominated for the RIBA Student Awards. After a year in practice he returned to Sheffield to complete is Postgraduate Diploma in Architecture.

Friday 29 June 2012

Who We Are

We are White Design Allies; created by Architects Arthi and Shraddha in September 2011. We established our practice to combine our passion for the applied arts with our experience in Architecture and Design to create unique and creative solutions for our clients.

We undertake work in Architecture, Interiors, Products, Branding, Set Design and temporary installations, but we are always looking to blur boundaries between design disciplines and scales of design. We draw our inspiration from a variety of sources; mixing the latest trends from around the world with local skills and cultural references for truly individual results.

Our philosophy is that every project is special and by fully understanding the brief, context and client we can elevate any product or experience.

White believes that good design can solve the world's problems! So all our projects are designed to be appropriate to their social and economic context to ensure their long-term sustainability. We aspire to help improve environments and encourage small businesses by getting involved in community projects with local universities and charities.

Sunday 15 January 2012



We are White Design Allies, a young and dynamic creative practice. We are currently working on getting our blog up and running. Please come back soon to find out more about us and our exciting new venture!

Arthi & Shraddha